WILD education
We are humbled and honoured to have been asked to appear in Wild Education's impressive new documentary, Keepers of the Forest. Set in...

Snare Removal in the Leuser Ecosystem
Our dedicated and passionate ranger, Jason, explains in English (his second language) how a snare is found and then deactivated by our...

December in the forest
It's been a busy month in the buffer zone of the Leuser Ecosystem in North Sumatra. Our camera traps have captured amazing footage of a...

Over the past couple of weeks both the patrol and camera trapping teams hosted guests from Global Conservation Force (GCF) in the US. GCF...

Shave for Sumatra
On the 26th of October one of The Sumatran Ranger Project’s long-time supporters Terry Menadue, shaved his head in front of a crowd of...

Our patrol team has been busy engaging in a number of professional development opportunities recently. Head ranger Jack, is currently...

The Sumatran Ranger Project was invited to attend a conservation festival held in Bukit Lawang recently, called 'Orang U Can'. The three...

Camera trapping
Thanks to support from Thin Green Line Foundation we have established a camera trapping program, beginning in one of our forest edge...

Christmas patrolling
Our ranger team are patrolling through Christmas and have been extremely busy in the buffer zone of the Leuser Ecosystem. The focus of...