The Sumatran Ranger Project (SRP) is a community conservation initiative, established to help provide long term protection of the Leuser Ecosystem forest edge to benefit both wildlife and people. We employ a team of rangers both men and women, who patrol the forest border of the Gunung Leuser National Park in North Sumatra; deactivating traps and snares, providing community outreach and education, mitigating and preventing human-wildlife conflict, collecting data and identifying and providing community support. We employ a team to manage camera traps and a seedling program, to help forest edge communities transition from oil palm and rubber into more lucrative and environmentally harmonious crops. SRP was established in 2016 in response to the urgent and ongoing needs of communities living along the forest edge with no support to manage human-wildlife conflict events. As a result, conflict events were rife and wildlife was at significant risk. This is a grassroots program developed by and for locals living along the border of the Gunung Leuser National Park.