WILD education
We are humbled and honoured to have been asked to appear in Wild Education's impressive new documentary, Keepers of the Forest. Set in the Leuser Ecosystem, this short film showcases the work of The Sumatran Ranger Project as well as a number of other worthy organisations making a difference on the forefront of conservation in this biodiverse hotspot. Wild Education's debut documentary, Person of the Forest, was a winner at the 2018 Wildlife Conservation Film Festival and this one is equally as impressive. The cinematography is stunning and the message simple and empowering. Our team features in this short film, describing why they love what they do and the importance of the forest to them. Thank you, Roxy at Wild Education for being passionate about this incredible place and spreading awareness for our program. For only a few dollars you can watch this beautiful film and support the wonderful and worthwhile work of Wild Education. Head to Vimeo/OnDemand/keepersoftheforest. To learn more about what they do and how to become a #keeperoftheforest head to wildeducation.net