Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) are critically endangered. One of their last strongholds is the Leuser Ecosystem where they can find themselves in close contact with forest edge communities that have settled up against the forest. Almost all of these communities graze livestock for income, either the main source or supplementary. Typically, livestock are grazed freely overnight in the oil palm plantations that border the National Park and it's an easy meal for an ambush hunter like a tiger, coming straight out of the forest. Retaliation can be in the form of setting snares, shooting or poisoning the tiger and Sumatran Ranger Project responds to every sighting or evidence of a tiger or livestock loss to tigers. In order to find a long-term sustainable solution to the increasing problem of human-tiger conflict in the communities we patrol near, we have started to build predator-proof livestock corrals away from the forest, to enable locals to overnight their cows safely. So far these have been a successful and cost-effective method to reduce human-tiger conflict in this landscape, keeping tigers and locals' livelihoods safe.